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For example, a blue sapphire could have a very high saturation with a medium tone which means that the color present in the stone is strong yet the actual blue coloring is of a medium vibrancy. Not to be confused with saturation which refers more to the opacity of the stone than the presence of color, the tone will give us an idea of how light or dark the color present is in our stone. The tone refers to the lightness or darkness of a stone. A clear gemstone will have very little saturation while a very vibrant gemstone will have high saturation. Saturation refers to the amount of color present in a certain gem. When looking at the color of a gemstone there are three main things we must take into consideration: Saturation, Tone, and Hue. This may be the most important attribute to consider when purchasing a sapphire.

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The first question to ask when searching for sapphire is ‘what color do sapphires come in?’ To buy the right sapphire for you, there are several factors to consider. The sapphire is a variation of the mineral Corundum and though blue is the most well-known color of sapphire, it can be found in almost any other color aside from red, which is called a ruby. They are commonly found in Thailand, China, Eastern Australia, Madagascar, Africa, and certain parts of North America. Sapphires can be found across the world in many varying regions.

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